Category: Videos

While it’s not easy to remove a Bay Area Trustee, California law does allow a Trustee to be removed. I discuss the areas under California law where a bad acting or unqualified Trustee may be removed.

if you are settling your Bay Area Trust and Will case, there a few things you better be sure to include. After all, you want your settlement to end the case for once and all so you can move forward with peace of mind. Your peace of mind depends on these top three provisions: For […]

Just because you are named as a beneficiary does not mean you can assume the Trustee is doing all the right things. Here are some common mistakes beneficiaries make in overseeing their beneficial interests in a Trust:

Being a Trustee is a thankless job. Don’t make it worse by making careless mistakes. In this post, Mark Perryman discusses some of the most common mistakes made by Trustees of California Trusts.

What’s easier to contest a California Trust or a California Will? The answer may surprise you…