Our Blog Posts

Is your Trust safe from being contested in court? Many people think so, but the truth may not be so promising. In this video we discuss whether your Trust can be challenged in court.

Do revocable, living Trusts avoid the probate process? The answer is: maybe. Watch this video to learn more about whether your Trust will help you avoid probate in California.

What assets pass under your Will? You may be surprised to learn that very few assets pass by a Will these days. Watch the video to learn what assets pass under your Will.

What happens to your assets in you die without a Will? Many people believe that their assets will pass to the State of California if they die without a Will. Not so fast…there may be a different answer that you expect. Watch our video to learn what happens to your assets if you die without […]

Why are lawsuits so time consuming and complicated? Can’t we just tell the Judge what the truth of the matter is, or just write the judge a letter? Well no, no you can’t. That’s because of our Constitutional right to due process of law. Due process is a fancy term that means everyone must be […]

Many people operate under the mistaken assumption that the law is black and white. That is to say, the law is enforced as it is written…period. But the law is not so black and white after all. In fact, most of the time there is plenty of grey area in the law. This happens for […]

So who is in charge of overseeing your Trustee if that person chooses to violate the law and breach his or her fiduciary duties? Surely there is some governmental agency that will step in and hold that bad Trustee accountable…isn’t there? The truth is that there is no governmental authority that oversees that acts of […]

This post is the first in a series of ten posts that will discuss the top 10 myths and misconceptions of trusts and wills. There’s a lot to learn, so let’s get started on this first installment: Is a Trust a public document? Many times people would like to see a copy of their parents’ […]

Questioning yourself

While it may be funny to think about, you can notice your own client’s deposition if you wish to preserve his or her testimony prior to trial. This is a rarely used technique for rather obvious reasons, you do not usually want to disclose to the opposing party what your questions will be come time […]

my bucket list

When a person dies owning property in his own name and has no Will, the property left behind must pass through probate before it can be transferred to the legal beneficiaries of the estate. Probate is opened and managed by an estate administrator, and the law sets out the priority of who has the right […]