Category: Trust Beneficiary

Are you creating, or have you created, a revocable Trust? How much thought did you put into your selection of successor Trustee? Many times people choose successor Trustee’s without much thought at all. For example, the oldest child is not always the best choice. Sometimes none of the children are a good choice–not because none […]

do you understand

One you obtain a copy of your Trust document, you first and foremost need to read it so you can understand what your rights are. Said comprehension can be harder than you think, because of the confusing terms lawyers use in Trust documents. In this video, we discuss a few concepts you should know to […]


You will not know your rights under your Trust document until you obtain a copy of it. If you do not have a copy, you have to take action to obtain one. In this video, we explain the steps you must take to obtain your Trust document.

If you are the beneficiary of a Trust or Will, you won’t know what your rights are until you find and read your Trust or Will document.

How do you modify a Trust that says it cannot be changed? This video describes the ways in which irrevocable Trusts can be changed.

If you have a corporate Trustee that you want to remove, it can be a difficult task. In this video, we describe some of the things you should know about removing your corporate trustee.

Welcome to our Carlsbad office and get ready to enjoy our video series on the rights of Trust beneficiaries.

 Every beneficiary of a Trust has a right to information. What do you want to know about your Trust? What the assets are, how much each asset is worth, the expenses of the Trust, the timeline for paying creditors, the need for a preliminary or final distribution? All fair requests to make and it […]